These Terms and Conditions (T&C) govern the relationship between Tuff Streeters and you, including the use of its website. We may vary the T&C from time to time, without notice to you. Those changes will be released via the website and will be binding upon all users at the time of publication to the website. Continued dealings with Tuff Streeters shall constitute deemed acceptance of the T&C, as amended from time to time.
The T&C create a legally binding agreement between Tuff Streeters and the user/purchaser. In all applicable circumstances, you irrevocably waive any rights you may have to appeal, review, or otherwise oppose any determinations or actions of Tuff Streeters in relation to the website or other related matters.

Website conditions

By using the website, you irrevocably agree:

  1. To comply with the T&C and any policies published by Tuff Streeters from time to time.
    Intellectual Property Rights
  2. Not to copy, use, communicate to the public, or transmit the content of this website without the prior written consent of Tuff Streeters, including logos and images, unless such use is a fair dealing under the Copyright Act 1968.
  3.  The text, data and metadata of the website is owned by Tuff Streeters. You agree not to copy, download for use, reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to capture the design, data, metadata, operation, system or processes used on the Tuff Streeters website.
  4. To contact Tuff Streeters if you would like permission to reproduce any of the website content. When any website content is reproduced or reposted, it must be attributed to Tuff Streeters.

Use of Website

  1. Not to do anything that may disrupt the use of its website or any other third party software, devices, services or other things necessary to the operation of the Tuff Streeters website.

Code of Conduct

  1. To engage with Tuff Streeters and any other parties using or viewing the website in a polite and respectful manner. If you choose to use offensive, discriminatory, illegal, homophobic, racist, hate speech, or otherwise unacceptable language, actions, or other communications, Tuff Streeters may, in its absolute discretion, serve you with a warning notice and/or deactivate, delete or suspend your membership and access to the website for any period or indefinitely, at its discretion. Tuff Streeters reserves the right to report any illegal or unlawful activity concerning the website to the appropriate authorities.
  2. To ensure that any information provided by you to Tuff Streeters is accurate, truthful, not misleading, not deceptive or otherwise incorrect.
  3. Not to do anything or hold yourself out to be related in some way to Tuff Streeters without its consent.


  1. Tuff Streeters may contact you by any contact details you provide to Tuff Streeters, including email, SMS, telephone, at its discretion, for any reason determined by Tuff Streeters, including, but not limited to marketing of its goods and services, the website or affiliate/advertiser content.Advertising
  2. To advertisement content being published on the website and such content being broadcast to you, without further consent required, during your use of the website. Any
    advertisement content will consist of third party links to external sources. Tuff Streeters does not warrant the content of advertising content, whether available on the website or otherwise. You should satisfy yourself as to the veracity of any third party websites and any offers they may make; Tuff Streeters shall bear no liability in relation to such matters.
  3. To consent to Tuff Streeters using your personal information for Tuff Streeters’s own purposes, including marketing of the website.
  4. To the use of cookies to track your usage of the website.

Lawful Use

  1. That you shall conform with all relevant laws in respect of your use of the website.


  1. Tuff Streeters does not guarantee that:
    a. The website will be secure or available at any particular time or location;
    b. Any defects or errors in the website will be corrected;
    c. The website will be free of viruses or other harmful materials.
  2. You acknowledge that you use the Tuff Streeters website solely at your own risk.

Termination of Website

  1. That Tuff Streeters may delete specific content or cease operation of the website at any time without prior notice and without a reason.
  2. Tuff Streeters is not liable for any loss, damage or other consequences suffered by you as a result of Tuff Streeters ceasing operation of the website

Membership credentials

  1. You agree that should you share your membership or login details with any other person, that person is subject to these T&C. We are not responsible for any loss, damage, or other consequences, whether financial or otherwise, from the unlawful use of the website by a party you have provided with access to your account.
  2. You agree to secure your password. We are not responsible for any loss, damage, or other consequences, whether financial or otherwise from the authorised or unauthorised use of your account by any other party, regardless of whether access to your account has been facilitated as a result of failing to secure your password to the website, or any other third party website, or through other means or actions by a third party which compromises your account.
  3. You agree that you shall keep your membership and contact details up to date at all times through the Tuff Streeters website.

Sale of goods and services

Binding Contract

  1. Submitting an order for goods or services through the Tuff Streeters website creates a legally binding contract between the purchaser and Tuff Streeters, on the terms of these T&C.
  2. Payment must be made in full at the time of placing an order through the Tuff Streeters website. Orders are not complete until payment is made.
  3. Once goods ordered through the Tuff Streeters website are paid for, an order for goods or services may not be cancelled by the purchaser.
  4. Prices shown on the Tuff Streeters website are current as at the time an order is place and paid, however, Tuff Streeters may change prices from time to time without notice.
  5. To the best of Tuff Streeters ‘s ability, the goods and services offered on the Tuff Streeters website are available for purchase. In the event that a good or service is determined not to be available after a purchase is made, Tuff Streeters shall promptly advise the purchaser and issue a refund.
  6. Tuff Streeters reserves the right to decline an order made through the Tuff Streeters website at its discretion for any reason.
  7. Prices stated on the Tuff Streeters website are GST inclusive.


  1. The purchaser is responsible for providing the correct postal address at the time of placing the order on the Tuff Streeters website. Tuff Streeters ships goods strictly in accordance with the details provided at the time of the purchaser submitting an order through the Tuff Streeters website. Tuff Streeters takes no responsibility or liability for incorrect postal address details provided by a purchaser.
  2. The costs of postage and handling are in addition to the published prices of goods and services. Postage will be calculated at the time of checkout and placing of the order.


  1. Tuff Streeters has the right to arrange for delivery of goods and services in one or more shipments.
  2. Risk of goods passes to the purchaser upon Tuff Streeters placing the goods with the relevant postal/shipping provider.
  3. Loss/damage of goods during transit is at the risk of the purchaser and Tuff Streeters is not obligated to provide replacement goods in the event of loss or damage by the relevant postal/shipping provider.

Payment Providers

  1. Payments for goods and services through the website must be made using the payment providers specified by Tuff Streeters.
  2. All payments made through the Tuff Streeters website are subject to the terms and conditions of the payment providers.
  3. The Supplier shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Customer in respect of the Customer’s use of payment providers.


  1. Tickets to events are subject to events proceeding as scheduled, without delay, interruption or changes.
  2. In the event that an event cannot proceed as scheduled and planned, Tuff Streeters reserves the right to either, at the absolute discretion of Tuff Streeters:
    1. Cancel the event and issue a full refund to the purchaser;
    2. Reschedule the event on similar terms/conditions and endorse the purchaser’s ticket for use at the rescheduled event; or
    3. Issue the purchaser with a credit for the ticket.
  3. Tuff Streeters accepts no liability for damage, injury, loss, harm, or other detriment to attendees at Tuff Streeters events. The purchaser of tickets and attendees attend Tuff Streeters events at their own risk and by attending such events agree to assume this risk.
  4. The purchaser (and its heirs, executors and representatives) of tickets for Tuff Streeters events agrees to fully indemnify Tuff Streeters against any claim, loss, award or other financial detriment suffered by Tuff Streeters as a result of Tuff Streeters being held liable for damage, injury, loss, harm to the purchaser or to an attendee who the purchaser provided a ticket to a Tuff Streeters event or purchased a ticket on behalf of arising from a Tuff Streeters event.

Trade Promotions

  1. Trade Promotions are subject to these T&C, Tuff Streeters Trade Promotion Prize Draws Conditions, and any applicable laws.
  2. There are no refunds or replacements applicable to goods/merchandise purchased in conjunction with the entry to Tuff Streeters Trade Promotions.
  3. Failure to win a Tuff Streeters Trade Promotion does not constitute a failure by Tuff Streeters to supply goods/services/merchandise under contract law or Australian Consumer Law.
  4. The Purchaser agrees that it shall not seek to reverse a payment transaction, or claim compensation, or cause detriment to Tuff Streeters, or otherwise approach a payment provider (such as Paypal) for refund of payment for goods/merchandise/services related to a Tuff Streeters Trade Promotion alleging that Tuff Streeters failed to supply goods/merchandise/services solely due to the Purchaser not being successful in the Trade Promotion.
  5. The Purchaser agrees to indemnity Tuff Streeters in respect of any costs, loss or damage caused to Tuff Streeters as a result of the Purchaser failing to comply with Clauses 40-43, including indirect costs, loss or damage.

Consumer guarantees and refunds

  1. Refunds generally
    If a good is not of acceptable quality, not fit for purpose, or does not match the representations on the Tuff Streeters website, please contact Tuff Streeters to discuss your options.
  2. Tuff Streeters does not offer refunds for change of mind.
  3. Delivery of goods may be delayed due to COVID-19 and associated restrictions.
  4. If we are not able to supply you with a good you have purchased due to COVID-19 or any associated restrictions, we will provide you with a refund of the purchase price.
  5. When refunding, the refund will be sent to the same card or account that the funds were received from.

Australian Consumer Law

  1. Many of Tuff Streeters goods and services come with a guarantee or warranty from the manufacturer or supplier. In addition, they come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law.
  2. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage.
  3. You are entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. Full details of your consumer rights may be found at www.consumerlaw.gov.au.
  4. Where Tuff Streeters is not permitted to exclude, restrict, or modify its liability for a breach of a condition or warranty that is implied by any statute or applicable laws but is permitted to limit its liability for the breach of such condition or warranty, Tuff Streeters liability is limited to any one of the following as determined by Tuff Streeters in its absolute discretion
    1. in the case of goods supplied, the replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods, the repair of the goods, the payment of the cost of replacement of the goods or of acquiring equivalent goods, or for the payment of the cost of having the goods repaired; and
    2. in the case of services provided, the supply of the services again, or the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.
  5. The purchaser acknowledges that all goods are sold subject to the manufacturer’s trading terms and conditions and any warranty of the manufacturer.
  6. Subject always to Clauses 50-54, all conditions, warranties and guarantees other than those expressly provided for in these T&C are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law and Tuff Streeters will not be liable to the purchaser for any loss caused (in whole or in part) by or arising out of any use of the goods or any defect in the goods or any failure, malfunction, breakdown or deterioration of the goods.


  1. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Tuff Streeters shall not be liable to you for any lost profits or revenues, or for any consequential, incidental, indirect, special, or punitive damages arising out of or in connection with the website, these T&C and the
    relationship between you and Tuff Streeters. In no event shall Tuff Streeters aggregate liability for any damages exceed the greater of $10.00 or the amount you paid Tuff Streeters in the past 12 months.
  2. In any event, Tuff Streeters shall not be responsible for, or liable for, loss of opportunity or any losses associated with the loss of opportunity to participate in a trade promotions, competition or other game of skill/chance.


  1. These T&C are subject to the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia and each party submits to the authority of such Courts.
  2. If a provision of these T&C is held invalid or unenforceable by any Court such determination and consequential severance (if any) shall not invalidate the rest of these T&C, which shall remain in full force and effect as if such terms and provisions had not been made a part of it.